Sunday, 3 May 2015


I appreciate that it has been almost two whole months since I have even posted, but with good reason. Back in march, I managed to catch every bug/virus going around- I have never been so sick in my life, so I obviously was bed bound and confined to my pyjamas and  the past month of April I've literally spent recovering. I don't even know how it got so bad, it was just one bug after another and then my anxiety came back in a big way because I was always so nauseous and afraid of being sick, so until recently I hadn't eaten properly for 2 months either. But I'm back and so ready for summer. 

We actually managed to enjoy a few beautiful days of sunshine in April, so of course that was reflected in my style. I took a few quick snaps before going to work of a very summer inspired outfit, just to complete this little post, but I didn't have enough time to photograph a full blown OOTD. Just a moment of appreciation for this amazing jumpsuit. Moments over. Iv'e also got a few nice little posts in the pipeline to look forward to. Links to items below!  

Green Palm Print Culotte Jumpsuit- New LookClub Master Flash Lenses- Ray Ban, Short White Crop Tee- Primark (Similar Here) Gold Statement Necklace- H&M, Beige Chunky Heel Lace Up Boot- New Look (Similar Here)


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