So this outfit is actually from a few days ago (my 19th birthday), but Iv'e been busy with arranging University Open Days, trying to find a job in retail and general life things. As per usual the weather outside was absolutely revolting; strong winds and torrential rain, and I had no choice but to take my outfit photos inside so apologies for the ugly plug sockets and the boring background, but I thought I should post the outfit anyway to feature some of my new bits in a more autumnal outfit.
I went for a very neutral palette which is unlike me because I like my bold colors but as the seasons are changing, I feel my style is evolving. I guess I should start with the snakeskin bomber, which I ordered from this awesome vintage/ retro clothing company We Are Cow. Their website showcases a huge selection of both men and women's clothing, most of which I need in my wardrobe. I feel like they are reasonably priced for a glorified second hand store, in comparison to vintage stores and other sites- where else would one find a 100% silk snakeskin bomber jacket for £18?...I thought that was quite decent...I knew I had to wear it soon before the weather became worse, but I had been saving it until the matching shoes arrived too.
Similarly with the jacket, the shoes are also made of a delicate/ not appropriate for winter fabric, so I just ceased the opportunity to wear them both. I have been eyeing up the Jeffrey Campbell 'Nirvana' boot for what feels like a year now, and as beautiful as they are I simply can't justify the price at the moment- perhaps when I find a new job I will feel differently. Every now and again, I scroll through the odd Asian website, because we all know that there are bargains to be found, and these chunky, yet understated in color-which I love, boots came up. I was hesitant because of the sizing etc, but I figured for around £22, it would be daft not to. They're obviously not the most amazingly fabricated shoe, and no Jeffrey Campbell by any means, but I guess to temporarily satisfy my craving, they'll do.
I kept the rest of the outfit very simple, but dded a fur stole because autumn is all about experimenting with texture and tone, and that's pretty much it!
Faux Fur Stole (Similar Here)- can be found almost everywhere
Black Long-sleeve top- Primark
Leatherlook Leggings- H&M
Gold Beadeed Plaited Necklace- H&M
Long Bronze Pendant- Handmade
Liquid Eyeliner Pen- Chanel